Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Santa...

When Santa came to our church party James was very sick! He didn't get to make it.
He was so sad and had written a letter so we made it a point to go to the "Mall Santa"so he could meet him.
Santa wanted to charge $33 smackaroos for a pic!! I know Santa and I know he doesn't play that way

Anyway- Rob was positioned in place and managed to snap a few with out getting caught....

Here is the best one below

When it came time to tell santa what he wanted he asked for an Etch- A-Sketch!!
I was so surprised because he has a serious Mario/Nintendo obsession.  That is a switch I can live with!!

(Dear Santa from James)

(Max and James and Blue Doggy, his fav. stuffed animal, want a dog movie)

1 comment:

Ellingsworth Family Blog said...

Cute Picture! I Love your little family! I finally started blogging again and wanted to stop by and let you know I love you and miss you!