Thursday, November 11, 2010


After My Post yesterday I need to write about Gratitude.

I needed to vent my feelings of frustration and where better then my blog?! But after reading my post again I sound ungrateful especially during this time of year. We are so very blessed in a million ways that I am grateful for all the time, really I am.

Even though things don't turn out how I imagine they should, God always makes up the difference and then some. He has carried us through things that we didn't think we could bear and continues to show us over and over again how he knows who we are. He knows our thought and desires. He knows our concerns and regrets.  He LOVES US so much despite our short comings.

"All we, like sheep have gone astray and every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all."

For this I am grateful for the Atonement of Christ over and over again in my life.

I am also grateful for:

1. Healthy Children
2. a New Life who will join our family!
3. A great hardworking, loving Partner
4. a roof over our heads that is sufficient for our needs and so much more.
5. A Job!
6. My Education
7. a gazillion answers to prayers
8. To live in America
9. For really good parents that have taught me great things
10. The energy and strength to live a very full life
11.  Lots of great great great friends!!

So even though life can be frustrating there are even more wonderful things to Love about this world then we can even write!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Amy Beatty said...

It is so great to really sit down and count our blessings that we usually take for-granted. It can make any day seem wonderful and every small thing seem amazing. I have running water!!! - It really is amazing. Glad you have such a positive outlook on life, it makes all the difference xoxo