Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Reading

I just finished Anna Karenina yesturday. What an amazing book! I have spent almost all my spare time over the last month reading these pages!! For an 815 pg. book it is a page turner! Now that I am done reading this book I really miss the characters and their lives, but I have been able to do a lot of gardening today, Update my blog, make two flowers arrangements, and actually start cleaning the house (which has been really neglected lately.)

I LOVE this book! I recommend it to all of you for summer reading. How tasteful Tolstoy writes. Anna Karenina is filled with passion, a longing for happiness, and a quest to understand the purpose of life. There is tragedy, betrayal, love, life and death.

My favorite character is Levin. He is the books moral compass for the reader and yet struggles with the meaning of life. He is always honest and hardworking although he goes through depression bouts because his understanding of the plan of life is lacking. He fails to find a meaning for his work day in and day out. Although the life of Anna Karenina is the main story in the book, the characters weave together intricately to clarify what Tolstoy percieves as the meaning of life and the way to achieve happiness. At the end of the book, through he eyes of Levin, Tolstoy sums up life's definition as man being in control of his own destiny and therefore being able to choose good and peace each day. In essence, no one is a victim of life. We all must each make our happiness and do all our works for God.

Love it!!! You should all read it! Let me know if any of you have read it already. I would be interested to know your thoughts on the book. I want to start War and Peace too- any readers?


Colleen said...

Here's my review, I read it just over a year ago:


I definitely didn't find it to be a page turner! I did enjoy it for the most part, but it was really slow reading for me. Maybe you'd enjoy War and Peace more than I did too. :) I read that one when I was 21 or so and I thought the story was interesting, but all of the war stuff was really boring to me. Good luck!

Lizza said...

I haven't read either and from our conversation I really want to read Anna Karenina. I seriously haven't read any meaty classics for years. It's time I do.

Harris Family said...

Colleen I read your review- Im glad yuo liked Levin- who doesn't though?! I did really love this book and I just got word tat War and Peace is waiting for me at the Library. I don't want it to be the similar story or feeling though. When I read that there were three families connected in the story I got suspicious.... we will see though. Lizza- yes you should read it.