Sunday, September 19, 2010

Im a school bus driver!!

James started Pre-School two weeks ago!! I get to drive him three days a week. He loves it. He goes to Small Fry Pre-School with Mrs. Barb. Max is sad and always wants to go. I love it because Max falls asleep on the way home- can we say Free Time??!! Wow. I've mostly been doing absolutely nothing!!

(Look at the killer Arizona landscaping--sarcastic)

We are proud of you James- keep up the good work!

Max- you can keep sleeping!


AmbertheGreat said...

Yeah!!!! for updates. Looks like you are doing well. the boys look so big. Can you believe that james is in preschool...we started a little preschool with my sister ashley and some of our friends, it's fun to teach the boys

Happy-Hardings said...

Free time is a special thing. I love it when that happens.

Nicole said...

He looks so cute! I hope he's loving school. And hopefully Max continues sleeping for you, so you can have a little break.