First I should announce that I am pregers!! 16 weeks down and due August 15th. We find out March 24th what sex the baby is. We are excited to have another person added to our family. So That is what happened to January- a depressing fog- induced by the snow and pregnancy. When that haze disappeared I got sick with a nasty sinus, cold, flu thing that lasted for 2 weeks.
So Second, James and Robert ended up getting sick too. This was why we practically never left the house in February- literally the whol
e month we were sick.
Our dear James got very sick and when I took him to the urgent care they informed me that his oxygen levels were very low- 67%!!!! I couldn't believe it- he should have been blue!! So we took him to Primary Children's Hospital where he was admitted for 3 days and diagnosed with RSV (the nasty chest virus that harms babies.) I was sad I was blind to the fact that he couldn't breath! I felt like a bad mommy but the Hospital helped James get better fast and let him go home with oxygen. He was a pro at the Hospital and was patient and sweet. He was home with oxygen for 6 days until he was a 100%. Now he is running all over the house
again, happier and more lively then he ever was before. Now I won't be so quick to be upset that he is tearing the house apart. I have learned that it is a beautiful thing when James has energy becauseit means he is a healthy boy.
While we were quarantined to the house, me and Robert got busy going through a bunch of old boxes his mother gave us this summer- filled with EVERY piece of ANYTHING from his childhood. It has been a daunting task but also surprisingly fun. Some cool things we have found include: Roberts kindergarten backpack that his mom made- and now James wears it
around the house, The paper from Humanities class where Robert first wrote down my phone #- we should frame that!!, and a cool mix tape entitled " Imaginary Women, Girl of my Dreams"-what a hoot! It is full of romantic make-out songs; old slow voices from bands I don't even know the name. I now consider it my tape because I am obviously the girl of his dreams. Robert insists that he didn't make it, or can't remember, but it was in his stuff... whatever Robert.
So we have had a busy few months of laying around and feeling sorry for ourselves but now we are back on track and feeling healthy. Day 2 of exercising and feeling good. I Surprisingly swam a 1/2 mile today in 22 minutes. Let me brag- I'm out of shape and pregnant!!
We hope you are well too- I need to revisit all your blogs as well. I promise to stay in touch better and hope to do so weekly. Love ya- the Harris Fam.
Ouch! I was whining about pneumonia and a double ear infection at my house. Sorry to hear little James got RSV. And sounds like a bad case of it. crazy. I cant believe he was on O2 for so long. glad to hear you guys are up and running again- literally.
what a great and needed update.
old boxes are so fun!
I have been waiting and waiting - trying to be patient and now the update :) I love the pictures James looks so grown up now - how much does he weigh? How tall is he?
CONGRATS!!!! our babies will be just about three months apart-how fun! we should probably start getting the current babies together for play-dates, though! EVERYONE I KNOW IS PREGNANT-this is so cool.
p.s. i love that you said "hoot." i think you're the only person i know who says that. love it.
RSV is similar to pneumonia though-and yes he had ear infections too. Good to hear from you guys. James was 4 pounds then down to 21 with the sickness- I imagine in about a week or so he would be 24 pounds again. Im not sure how tall- but only one month until nursery. Lizzy- when I saw you at your house I thought I was prego but not sure. We should totally get together for play dates I was up at liberty park a few days ago and should have called. My friend lizza is prego too- due at the same time. For everyones information we have oficially cancelled our cell phones and our new number is 878-9051 in case you dont have it.
So glad to hear from you and that your family is feeling better. We took Timmy in for some coughing and lower O2 levels last month too. Luckily, he didn't get too sick, and was completely better in 2 weeks. We got the hospital costs in the mail that will be sent to the insurance this week. $1025!!! Good thing we don't have to pay all that!
Howdy. Nice to hear you're back online. Um..maybe I should get back online?
Congrats and condolences. I'm impressed that you are even sort of prepared to take on the pending insanity. So sad to hear about James being sick. We had the flu of the throw-up kind and S lost a few pounds, but I guess he had it to spare. Nothing so scary as RSV.
We should play soon, now that the Bar is over.
April, I love you. I am so glad you are my sister. Keep up the good work. You are a great mom.
Hi, It's good to see how you are doing. Congratulations on the second pregnancy! I hope I get to see you next time I am in Utah. Take care and say hello to Rob!
Holy cow, I totally missed this post somehow. I just read your most recent one and went, "WHAT?! April's pregnant?" So I'm waaaay behind here. Congratulations! That's so fun that you're having another boy! I'm so glad James is okay, that must have been so scary. He is getting so big!!!
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