Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My life feels busy right now. Too busy. No time to pluck my eyebrows busy.  I need to get organized and I need some cheering up. How do YOU go about doing both those things??


Suburban Monkey said...

For me, getting organized means doing a little bit at a time instead of overwhelming myself with a task of organizing something that would take me way to long to do in one sitting and with kids a hubby and just life in general. Its about doing one thing at a time for me and being happy with whatever progress I have made, no matter how small.
And for cheering up...all I need is a jar of Nutella and a spoon and that always puts a big smile on my face and satisfaction in my tummy. :)

Harris Family said...

Whit you are so sweet. thanks for your thoughts!! you are right- be happy with what I CAN do and not ask for more time, energy, etc...!! Thanks

OramHouse said...

I make lists...lists for everything even something I know I am about to do in two seconds because then I can cross it off and feel awesome. I also lately make myself run or even just walk outside with my ipod at night when it isn't hot.:)

Happy-Hardings said...

Sometimes I set the timer for 15 minutes and do a task (laundry, dishes, but not both)until it beeps. It's amazing what can be accomplished, even if it's just the set up. Then shen things aren't crazy later I set it for 15 minutes again.
Cheering up is harder, when I'm in a rut its hard to get out. But sometimes accomplishment makes me feel good. Clean out your sink, or fold and put away one batch of laundry and you will know you are an accomplished young lady. Also, you could paint a picture, even if it's with your kids paint, I just learned that circumstances for creativity are never going to be perfect, so take what you can get!

Amanda said...

Hide. cry. Sleep. None of which I have time to do. Good luck.