Friday, October 31, 2008

It's been such a long, long time...

Pumpkins all from our Garden

I stink at blogging.... but we wont go there... again. I think I change my blog template as often as I post!! It is so fun to do though. I am now returning to the original colors we had when we first started blogging. Fabulous ehh?! Our lives are so hectic but wonderful. The beautiful bowl of Brownie delight was given to us by our friends Liz and Nash. They were very thoughtful after they found out the baby had pneumonia and brought over a treat to cheer us up. It worked! This was way back in September. Since then Max has been doing great! He is already 14 lbs!


Happy Baby, Happy Mom. Thanks Liz!!!!

The Professor -- 6 weeks

James Turned 2!! We had a small party with some of the cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a good time. James likes saying that he is two.

IS that enough pictures??!!:)


James my big boy is potty training.. trained??!! I figure if he tells me once a day that he needs to go and then he sits down himself and dumps and flushes then he is trained!!!! Sorry if this is too graphic!

Canning these grapes from our yard was so fun. My mom first helped me, then Robert helped finish. Together we canned a total of 52 grape juice quarts. We also canned tomatoes and salsa and dehydrated grapes and apples. Dehydrated grapes?! not a good idea. Raisins right? Wrong! Burn little grapes is what we got. I later learned at the Murray Cannery that if it doesn't "snap" then it doesn't preserve. Nice try I guess- but no raisins.

More SHORTER posts to come more OFTEN!


Colleen said...

Happy birthday to James! Ever since his birthday, Elijah has been saying "I don't want to be three anymore, I'm two." :)

{lizzythebotanist} said...

happy birthday, james! dang it, why do i always think he's a november boy?

glad you liked the brownies, i have yet to try them myself, but they looked awesome.

is that your sister on the far left of the couch? whoever that is, she's beautiful.

and i'm so jealous of your yard/garden/produce/canning. someday...

Harris Family said...

YES my sis is beautiful- I am glad that you wrote that because she has issues- now she can read that a gorgeous person thinks she is beautiful!! It is in writing. Staci- your hot!

Tara said...

That is awesome! Way to go with the food canning/dehydrating. And thanks for the good song!=)

Suburban Monkey said...

How fantastic!! Look at you guys being all provident. How great to have a yard with a garden! I love your varieties of pumpkins.

Suburban Monkey said...

In response to your question about the pumpkin lasagna on my food blog...yes, it is super delish! I made a big pan of it and froze it, Sunday we defrosted it and stuck it in the oven and it was soooo good, I highly recommend.