Well it happened again. Tears unexpectedly streaming down my face in the Steam Sauna. The euphoric feeling of complete balance, which leads to feelings of peace, love, contentment, gratitude. This is what I have been missing out on these last 6 months of not working out. This is the feeling I forget when I am not exercising.
I am not sure if this feeling is easy to achieve by just working out though. I am not even sure if I would compare it to the runners high or the endorphin rush one receive from adrenaline. This completeness never came to me until I started combining different elements into my workout- namely Swimming! ( Now I understand why people like Triathalons- there is a magic in combining running, swimming, and cycling.) I am not even sure if this feeling comes to others when they are swimming. I think it has to do more with connecting to your inner self.
I have always loved to swim. When I was a child I could never get enough of the water. Maybe this was my universe speaking to me, telling me that I would find meditation and peace there. Then came the love of the Ocean. But not until I moved to California (thank you year-round-outdoor lap lanes) did I discover the peace that came from Swimming on a regular basis. Feeling my muscles push through the water, focusing on my breathing, I would zone out and feel as I was almost one with nature. I could hear the birds speaking to me and the smell the scent of the outdoors. I would find myself often moved to tears with gratitude and this overwhelming sense of peace.
Today it happened again and I look forward to it happening more and more.
I challenge all of you to not just work out for losing weight, for a ripped body, or even for "optimal health", but to work out to connect with your inner self. To say that you have achieved a balance that is unexplainable. Maybe this is why Yoga, Pilates, or Martial Arts has been a popular form of meditaion.
This could possibly come about from other means as well, not just exercise. I know Heavenly Father has given us all talents or interests, that when pursued, while enrich our lives and fill our souls with joy and love (so lets not bury our talents!)
So Thankyou Swimming Pools! Thank you Lifetime Fitness (3 Bath towels and a hand towel later!), Thank you Lizza for making me sign-up, Thank you to Rob who knows how important this is for me, and Thanks to My Heavenly Father for giving me a capable body.